atlas en kaart Kaartcollecties
Tentoongesteld, ook verkoop

De internet kaartenbeurs
Exhibition, also sales

The internet antique map exchange
atlas and map

This page is removed, this is a copy of the new index page

Please feel free to explore the new site! The map you are looking for is still there.

Bekijk de Nederlandse site met:

Antieke kaarten van alle delen van de wereld
Kaart, plattegrond of gezicht van:
Nederland, Provincie en Gemeenten

Database met ruim 2000 Nederlandse atlassen
en meer dan 1500 kartografen

nederlandse vlag - dutch flag ga naar de Nederlandse site
cartographic of the world and the netherlands

Watch this site in English with:

Antique maps of all parts of the world
Topographic plans and views
Other views as botanic, celestial and famous people

Database with over 1500 cartographers

go to the site in English engelse vlag - english flag


Couldn't open database!